Who is it for?
An idea for teachers that are marking or assessing to specific criteria, particularly if students often make the same mistakes.
Outline of the idea
I produced sticker sheets containing key information on the assessment criteria or the contents that students should have included in their work.
I wanted students to be able to see clearly where marks would be awarded and also allow me to give focussed and useful feedback but in a time efficient way. I found that I was writing several similar comments on each piece of work which took a great deal of time and still didn’t allow me to cover everything I wanted to say. Loose sheets with assessment criteria on were good but often students lost them, stuck them in too far away from the actual work, or didn’t stick them in at all.
How it worked out
I asked my students to write a newspaper article on an economically important plant, we discussed how it would be marked. I made a sticker sheet that reflected these marking criteria. When I came to mark the homework I stuck a sticker on each piece that looked like:
This allowed me to feedback clearly where students had and hadn’t gained marks without writing the same phrase 30 times.
I have also linked the stickers to APP tasks where they have previously been given an assessment criteria sheet, for example graph drawing:
There is space for the student to tick if they think they have completed the criteria and then for the teacher, I have also used this format for peer assessment. As the stickers are small they can easily fit on the actual graph.
In discussion with the students they seemed to like the stickers and find them helpful and it certainly cut down on my marking time whilst still enabling me to give good feedback to students.
Next steps:
There are obviously many possible uses for these sorts of stickers including pre-printing homework to go in diaries.